Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Thing 15

A Vision of Students Today was very thought provoking--scary, but informative about students' reality. I enjoyed reading Away from Icebergs by Rick Anderson and To a Temporary Place in Time by Dr. Wendy Schultz. Some of my fondest memories as I child involved being at the library. I loved looking up books in the catalog system (might be the organization that appealed to me) as well as the process of checking out books. Going to the library from elementary through high school was special to me. It was disheartening to see the changes of libraries over time because I felt that the personal element was disappearing. Computers seemed so cold and impersonal. As libraries have Incorporated technology and I have learned more about using the web, I see how well they go together. I think of the library of the past fondly, but now understand the necessity of Library 2.0. Technology has changed our world thus influencing how we do things. Library 2.0 improves our communication and collaboration with others.


  1. I really hope you are finding that 2.0 libraries can STILL be full of the personal element! in fact, in some ways there is more personal attention because of all the choices.

  2. I definitely have experienced a personal element with 2.0 libraries! I meant to put that in my original post and got side tracked. By the way, I noticed that there is a Library2Play group on Facebook. Is that better suited to librarians and/or those that have already completed the 23 Things, or can teachers join?

  3. Please feel free to join the FB group...it is not doing too much right now, but you are welcome to join and see what happens as time moves on!
