Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Thing 7

Wow! There is so much to explore!

Google Calendar is very user-friendly. My first thought was setting up a calendar per nine weeks for my teammates and I to record content lessons and TEKS by color code (for example, science=green, math=orange,...). This would put everything in a consistent format, and we could all access the document.

I will take more time to explore Google Docs since my students will probably be using this rather than Microsoft next year.


  1. Is your entire district going to Google docs instead of Microsoft next year? We are still using Office 2003 and had planned to upgrade next year, but I am wondering if there are lots of districts going to make the move to more collaborative software (and free!!)

  2. The use of Google Docs came in response to a technology grant the my teammates and I were awarded at the end of the year. We were thinking of using Microsoft, but the grant committee encouraged us to try Google Docs. I am anxious to learn more about it.

  3. Hey, why didn't we get started with the Google calendar at the beginning of the year?! I am totally on board with it now that I know/see how it works! I don't know about using it for roadmapping, but definitely for team jobs, grades and Wed. meetings. Get on it, TL! :)
